How to participate in BlockStar (BST) Token Staking

You must hold BlockStar (BST) in your wallet. 

1. In your web browser, go to  If you are using a mobile wallet, be sure to use the BUILT-IN browser.

2. Ensure you are on Ethereum Chain (ETH) Network and Connect your wallet. 

3. Select Token Stake.  Select BlockStar (BST). If you are on mobile, this will be in the hamburger menu.

4. Select the length of time you wish to stake your tokens.

5. Input the amount of tokens you wish to stake.  Click Stake.

    If it is your first time, you will need to click Approve first, then Stake.


That's it!  You have now staked your BlockStar tokens!  When your chosen time is up, you may withdraw your staked tokens along with the rewards earned.  Should you wish to withdraw sooner, you may use the Emergency Withdraw option, but please note that you will incur a 25% penalty.

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