How to participate in BlockStar LP Staking Pool

You must hold both BlockStar (BST) and Ethereum (ETH) in your wallet. 

1. In your web browser, go to  If you are using a mobile wallet, be sure to use the BUILT-IN browser.

2. Ensure you are on Ethereum Chain (ETH) Network and Connect your wallet. 

3. Select LP Stake. If you are on mobile, this will be in the hamburger menu.

4. Select Get BST/WETH.  This will take you to Etherscan.  Select Uniswap V2 BST9

5. This will take you to the V2 UniSwap pair site. Click on Add Liquidity

6. Connect wallet in UniSwap.  You can add based on amount of BST or ETH, UniSwap with fill out the proportionate ratio of the other token.

7. Return to BlockStar.Site. Choose the lenght of time you would like to stake. If it is your first time staking in the LP Pool you will first click Approve, accept the transaction in your wallet. Then click Stake, accept the transaction in your wallet.

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