Convert ETH to BNB on

If you have ETH in your account follow the steps below to convert it to BNB.

Note: You should be able to sell your ETH for BNB with a couple clicks, we recommend trying this first.

Setup DeFi Wallet

  1. Download the DeFi Wallet App on your mobile device.
  2. Click on Create a new wallet
  3. Select the checkbox for Agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Notice, then click Continue
  4. Create Passcode for DeFi Wallet and store it somewhere safe
  5. Enable TouchID or FaceID if desired
  6. Enable 2-Factor Authentication (recommended)
  7. Click Done in the upper right-hand corner
  8. Write down your recovery phrase and save it in a safe place
  9. Confirm your secret phrase and continue

Connect DeFi Wallet to App

  1. In the upper left-hand corner click on your Wallet
  2. Click Connect to App
  3. Select the checkboxes to connect to App, then click Connect Wallet
  4. Enter the email address used for your account
  5. You'll receive an email with a link to confirm the connection
  6. Enter your App passcode, then click Continue
  7. Read the notice and click Authorize & Launch DeFi Wallet
  8. When asked click Open to load DeFi Wallet

Swap ETH to BNB in DeFi Wallet

  1. Click on Swap on the bottom right
  2. Acknowledge that you’re not a resident/citizen of a geo-restricted region
  3. Click Continue
  4. Click on Get Started
  5. Walk through the tips, click Next when ready to proceed

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