Depositing BST to the HEX

  1. Understanding wBST and BST
    - wBST (wrapped BST) represents BST on other blockchains, allowing cross-platform functionality
    - BST is the native currency of BlockStar, used within the ecosystem for transactions and rewards
    - Only BST can be deposited to the HEX
  2. Contract Addresses
    Add the contract addresses for wBST and BST to your DeFi wallet to view the tokens
    wBST: 0x4216f7B5833ED81CEeBCDF39f5ACD1e7F6F9B734
    BST: 0x1bfde68f5694678fb4c45e9ad40ebedb835b6346
  3. Swapping wBST to BST
    Visit to exchange wBST for BST at a 1:1 ratio
  4. Depositing BST
    In your BST funding wallet on the HEX platform, click on "Deposit" and select ETH chain to locate your deposit address.
    Use your DeFi wallet to send your BST to your funding wallet on the HEX.


Please do not send any other currency to the deposit address. Doing so may result in permanent loss of funds.

Please do not close the deposit page until the transaction is confirmed. Otherwise, your deposit may not be credited.

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