If you live in an area which is restricted, please comment below where you're from and what work arounds you've tried. This will be a regularly updated document with steps to purchase in your area.
States (US)
New York
You should be able to setup an account on Coinbase.com, Gemini.com and KuCoin. Once your accounts are setup, follow our directions on How to Transfer BTC from Coinbase to KuCoin.
Note: We have been informed that KuCoin is no longer available in New York, we're looking for a way around this.
Texas & Hawaii
- You should be able to purchase BNB on Crypto.com and transfer it to your Trust Wallet.
- Another option is to use uphold, one of the best and easiest exchanges to use in restrictive states that doesn't put a hold/freeze on withdrawing funds/coins.
So far we have heard that Crypto.com will be your best bet for purchasing crypto if you live in Canada.