Setup MetaMask Wallet

In order to create a wallet on MetaMask you'll need to download the app on your mobile device.

Create Account

  1. Download the MetaMask app from your mobile app store
  2. Open the app and click on Create a new wallet
  3. Review the terms and click on I Agree
  4. Create a secure password and save it in a safe place
  5. Select the checkbox to agree to terms & conditions
  6. Follow the steps to the Secret Recovery Phrase
  7. Click View and write down your Secret Recovery Phrase, store it in a safe place

Import Existing Account

If you already have a MetaMask account that you would like to add to your device follow the steps below.

  1. Download the MetaMask app from your mobile app store
  2. Open the app and click on Import using Secret Recovery Phrase
  3. On your device with existing account...
    1. Open MetaMask and click on the hamburger menu in the top left.
    2. Click on Settings > Security & Privacy
    3. Click on Show private key
    4. Type in your MetaMask password and click Next
    5. Either copy the text or open the QR Code
  4. On the device you want to import to...
    1. Type/paste the Private Key or scan the QR code
    2. Confirm that the account has been added and give it a meaningful name

Next Steps

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